Joseph Gordon-Levitt OUT Feature

by thesouthernmostgentleman


America’s most-beloved heartthrob, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is featured on the cover of the October 2013 issue of OUT Magazine. In the issue, the 32-year old actor articulates his role in the upcoming film “Don Jon,” and the ever-perpetual rumors and inquisitive notion about his sexuality.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt articulates:

On the film: “I wasn’t interested in making a movie about pornography,” Gordon-Levitt says. “I was interested in making a movie about how people treat each other like things, and all kinds of media can contribute to that.” In that sense, Don Jon can be viewed as an allegory for the way Gordon-Levitt has sometimes felt defined by his own celebrity. “I’ve been working as an actor since I was a little kid, and I’ve always been fascinated, and a little horrified, by the way people relate to images they see on screen,” he says. “Sometimes I feel I am seen as a thing more than a person, and I don’t think that’s unique to actors. I think everyone is subject to that kind of pigeonholing.”

Levitt on gay innuendos: Contrary to many celebrity-paparazzi encounters, no punches are thrown, no voices raised. Gordon-Levitt does not even bother refuting the gay innuendo (“That would be really tacky—they would win if I had to clarify,” he says).

“Don Jon” is scheduled to be released Sept. 27. In the meantime, please enjoy more from the interview at OUT.

Please enjoy images from the feature, detailed below.

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